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Entrepreneur solo
Kit de démarrage


La fiche de votre site Web est souvent le premier point de contact que le monde extérieur a avec votre entreprise. Si cette première impression ne communique pas de professionnalisme, vous perdrez presque immédiatement ce client au profit d'un concurrent, même si votre service et vos prix sont supérieurs.

Découvrez pourquoi les visiteurs cliquent surretourbouton.



La gestion des clients




l'image de marque

Discutez des plus courantes


J'ai travaillé avec des dizaines de propriétaires de petites entreprises et il y a toute une série de problèmes auxquels nous devons faire face pour maintenir les choses à flot. Des choses comme la gestion du temps et trouver comment équilibrer, prioriser et planifier notre journée.

Site Internet


Au cours de l'atelier, nous effectuerons un audit en direct de la présence en ligne de l'un des participants et identifierons les principaux moyens de convertir davantage de visiteurs en clients fidèles.

Découvrez pourquoi les visiteurs cliquent surretourbouton.

Self Rebranding Process Slidedeck
Self Rebranding Process Slidedeck
In this video, I go over the design process of rebranding my own site and launching an online workshop.
7 Deadly Sins of Graphic Design
7 Deadly Sins of Graphic Design
As someone who has worked with hundreds of clients and students, I see the same 7 design sins more times than I can count. I've compiled a list in this video, which is a previous of my 9-week online entrpreneur course: SOLOPRENEUR STARTER KIT In this college-level course, I’ve hand-picked my most essential lessons to personally walk you from start to finish through the process of launching a beautiful eCommerce Website. If you're interested in a deeper dive, sign up for the course below: CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Intro 0:42 - 1. Too Many Fonts 1:28 - 2. Too Many Colors 2:04 - 3. Text Over Clutter 2:29 - 4. Misuse of White Space 3:10 - 5. Complementary Clashing Colors 4:15 - 6. Low-Quality Images 4:41 - 7. Unclear Hierarchy 5:18 - Next Video: Site Audit 5:35 - Course Promo
Solopreneur Starterkit - Branding Preview
Solopreneur Starterkit - Branding Preview
In this college-level course, I’ve hand-picked my most essential lessons to personally walk you from start to finish through the process of launching a beautiful eCommerce Website. In this video, I talked about what brand IS and ISN'T. Plus, I cover 3 case studies showing how effective branding can completely transform the perception of a company, person, or meal all while making no actual changes to those things. If you want to take a deeper dive, check out my 9-week online course: CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Intro 1:36 - The Struggle is Real: Being an Entrepreneur 2:24 - Branding: The "How" of Design 4:43 - Branding Case Study #1: Palessi 6:30 - Branding Case Study #2: Homeless Haircut 7:29 - Branding Case Study #3: Fancy Fast Food 8:06 - The Back Button 8:35 - Course Promo
Solopreneur Starterkit
Solopreneur Starterkit It’s 2023, and the start of the new year is the perfect time to launch your business or give your existing business a complete makeover. If you’re ready to stop paying thousands of dollars to web designers and take your company’s online presence into your own hands, then click the link below.

Get a sneak Peak

View some of these example videos to get an idea of the type of content we'll be covering in the course.

8-Week Curriculum

DIY Website, Start-to-Finish

In this college-level course, I’ve hand-picked my most essential lessons to personally walk you from start to finish through the process of launching a beautiful eCommerce Website.

View the curriculum in the slideshow.

  • Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans ce cours ?
  • Combien ça coûte?
    Visitez notre page de tarification.
  • Quelle est votre politique de remboursement ?
    Si votre esprit n'a pas été époustouflé à la fin d'un cours, vous serez remboursé pour votre cours.
  • Combien de temps durera le cours ?
  • Offrez-vous un certificat?
  • Est-ce en ligne ou en personne?
    En ligne
  • Les séances sont-elles enregistrées ?
  • En quoi est-ce différent des autres cours en ligne ?
  • How much time should I dedicate to the workshop each week?
    This is entirely up to you. However, you will receive “homework” to work on between the calls, which should take a minimum of 30 minutes. You may find that you could easily put several hours into any stage of the process.
  • Quel niveau d'expérience est nécessaire pour ce cours?
    Un peu.
  • What are Jon's credentials?
    Jon has taught over 300 students from both his 10 years of experience as a college design instructor and 5 years of experience as a high school design instructor. He has also run a full-time online creative agency for 10 years and has built sites for clients in practically every major industry. He earned a BA in Digital Arts & Animation at the University of Silicon Valley and is now enrolled in an online Masters of Professional Studies in UX Design at the Maryland Institute College of Art.
  • Are there any additional resources provided?
    Yes! Each week I’ll be linking to dozens of external resources and tools to assist with your journey.
  • Proposez-vous des formations individuelles ?
  • How do I access the workshop materials?
    You will receive a direct link via email or you can visit the main site and click “Online Workshop”. You will need to log in to access the contents.
  • What kind of computer do I need?
    You could technically do the majority of the work from a Smartphone or Tablet, as most resources we will be using are free and browser-based. However, using a laptop or desktop would be ideal, whether Mac, Windows, or Linux. However, if you want to use Adobe's programs, you will need Mac or Windows. We will be using Adobe alternatives though.

Still Have Questions?

Set up a free 15-minute 1-on-1 call with Jon to discuss your goals with this course and answer any questions you might have.


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