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Cyberpunk Brutalism

Dystopian Aesthetic

I grew up appreciating the genre of cyberpunk ever since I saw Blade Runner as a kid. Something about the gritty, high-contrast, brutalistic  aesthetic of the world, combined with the idea of a tech-dominated future where the moral implications are never clear, resonated with me. I find the concept of a world that is both recognizable and yet so different from our own fascinating.

For this project, I imaged what a magazine of the future would look like by combining an assortment of cyberpunk-influenced graphic elements and fashion photography into these high-intensity layouts in Figma.

Starter Kit

Starter Kit

Essential Training for Solopreneurs

Data-Driven Weather App

Data-Driven Weather App

Design System & Prototype

UX Tools Guide

UX Tools Guide

A practical guide to
product design tools
for the rest of us.

Spotify Feature Mockup

Spotify Feature Mockup

Personalized playlist refinement onboarding process.

Design for All

Design for All

Figma Auto-layout Components

Maxims Series

Maxims Series

Typography Experiments

Movie Posters

Movie Posters

One Frame : 90 Minutes

Digital Sketchbook

Digital Sketchbook

Time-bound creative experiments

Cyberpunk Brutalism

Cyberpunk Brutalism

Dystopian Aesthetic

Album Art

Album Art

Sonic Synesthesia

AI Fashion Series

AI Fashion Series

Virtual Photoshoot

Web Design

Web Design

Dialup to 5G

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