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AI Art

Carbon/Silicon Collaboration

When I was first getting into computer graphics, I never would have imagined what digital technology would allow humans to generate merely from a few words, let alone that I would have access to such technology... for free. The explosion in innovation of generative AI image to text and natural language processing has expanded the bredth of my creative capabilities and I'm certain will for years to come. What you see in this collection are images generated from prompts I fed AI engines like DALLE-2 and Midjourney.


Starter Kit

Starter Kit

Essential Training for Solopreneurs

Data-Driven Weather App

Data-Driven Weather App

Design System & Prototype

UX Tools Guide

UX Tools Guide

A practical guide to
product design tools
for the rest of us.

Spotify Feature Mockup

Spotify Feature Mockup

Personalized playlist refinement onboarding process.

Design for All

Design for All

Figma Auto-layout Components

Maxims Series

Maxims Series

Typography Experiments

Movie Posters

Movie Posters

One Frame : 90 Minutes

Digital Sketchbook

Digital Sketchbook

Time-bound creative experiments

Cyberpunk Brutalism

Cyberpunk Brutalism

Dystopian Aesthetic

Album Art

Album Art

Sonic Synesthesia

AI Fashion Series

AI Fashion Series

Virtual Photoshoot

Web Design

Web Design

Dialup to 5G

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